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Borders are slowly opening, but with the Department of Transport and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) having published two separate lists, we take a look at the air corridors and what that might mean for travel this summer.


Check Lists

It’s worth noting that this list is subject to change as borders open and others close in relation to each countries’ status with the virus.

This gets a little tricky, so bear with us… The Department of Transport have released a list of 59 countries that are now exempt from quarantine when returning back to the UK. However, the following day, the FCO then issued a list of 70 countries exempt from the “all but essential travel” advice.

When we take into account the countries letting visitors in, this shortens the list somewhat – it leaves us with 25 countries where English citizens (the devolved administrations are still to announce their lists) can travel freely to without quarantining:

Andorra, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Faroe Islands, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Reunion, San Marino, Serbia, South Georgia and Sandwich Islands, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and Vatican City. From July 15th, Malta and Greece will join this list.

So, to clarify – the Department of Transport’s list is places we can go without quarantining, the FCO’s list reflects the reduced risk of coronavirus in those countries, and the list of 25 countries is where you can travel without quarantining on arrival or return.

A tentative yet promising start, I’m sure we can all agree!