Gosh PR’s Isolation Inspiration – Travel Podcasts

Get travel inspiration from home with our Isolation Inspiration series...

Travel at home
With all of us having to make changes to our lives, it’s important to look after our mental wellbeing. For many of us, the thrill of having an amazing trip on the horizon brings us joy and gives us something to look forward to. In our tech-savvy world, there are so many ways to keep on travelling within your own home.
Each week we’ll give you a rundown of the best ways to explore the world of travel from the comfort of your own home. Whether that’s through a podcast, a book or a film – there are so many options for the arm-chair traveller! This week, we’re looking at podcasts.

Our top podcast picks
Travel Podcasts are a great way to learn and gain inspiration for a future trip. Whether it’s gaining expert tips from travel pros or losing yourself in tales of wanderlust, the following podcasts have you covered:
- An Extra Pack of Peanuts
- Flight of Fancy
- The Thoughtful Travel Podcast
- The Rough Guide to Everywhere
- The Travel Diaries
- Armchair Explorer
We hope you enjoy these!